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Early Birds and Entrepreneurs are grateful for a combination of digital marketing MIXED with IN PERSON marketing. As we wrap up 2024 with the holiday season and New Years let's commit to a few IN PERSON MEET GREETS or OMG/Online AND Offline MEET GREETS/OMG! That is the PURPOSE for Early Birds and Entrepreneurs. In 1 week We have our 1st 19 Skyler Network guests! Hope to see YOU In Person very soon. When you are ready we are ready to welcome you with Ice Breakers and Intros and MORE!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
To our worldwide biz friends!!!
We also don't believe the PITCHES, we believe the relationships we make EACH week in person.
We are not interested in LOW HANGING FRUIT.
We love long term FRUIT.
Is this you? You are in the right place.
Kindest regards,
Paul Finkelstein, Chief Early Bird And Entrepreneur!
Text or call Paul 561-302-0051 if you want to be included in our REERRAL LIST. This is the list we keep a running total of small biz who are looking for customers and appreciate the referral. Thank you!!
Here are a few guests who have attended on our site: TAKE A PEEK at our site ABOVE!!