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Living the Dream

How to Grow Young Again
Whatever you age, younger or older, you've most likely had an experience when you felt you needed more energy, focus, recovery from illness or recovery from working out in the gym.

When we were kids, we had all the energy we wanted. If we fell and scraped our knee, we got right back up and the bruise healed in a few days. That was because our stem cells were young and working hard to keep us young and healthy.

But by age 30, half our stem cells become dormant, and that's why we start to wish for more energy, focus, etc. Eventually we really start noticing we do not bounce back by age 60. That is because at this age all of our stem cells have become dormant.

Now I've been in the holistic health field for 50+ years. I've been able to heal, prevent, and slow the aging process through various natural methods — healthy foods and exercise are the foundations of good health, focus, and energy.

When issues do come up, there is yoga or tai chi options improving energy flow and flexibility, stress reduction and more. Or we might go to a chiropractor or energy healer. All these options are helpful and needed. However once the stem cells are dormant, we start spending more time focusing on healing rather than thriving in life; there has been no actual method known that actually returns our youth to us.
So I prayed for a solution for age-reversal.

Two days later a days later I saw a friend in her mid 70’s with arthritis instantly duck under a fence like a kid.

She couldn’t do that for 40 years. I asked ‘how did you do that?”
She said she started wearing patches that help her stem cells grow younger…this was day 3!

I said, ‘gimme some of them patches'.

I'm happy to report that I finally found something that changed my life. No longer do I feel bothered with the signs of aging because each day I wake up with more energy, focus, and freedom.

As with my past careers, I only work with things that transformed my life. When people say, 'there's nothing to help with x, y, z', I have always found disruptive, out of the box solutions.

For example, once I was at my dentist's office, talking with the dental hygienist about her diabetes. She said, ''We know nothing can heal diabetes.'' That is a mainstream view. But the results from my former clients found their sugar levels drop within three days.

The hardest part of finding real disruptive solutions is not believing it is possible. So if a person really wants to feel better, younger, or use prevention tools, its always best to research them. What is the research? Talk with people who have tried it. Talk with your health care professional (assuming they are open to natural methods. If they aren't, find a qualified professional who is open—they work for you). Then if everything seems copasetic, try it out.

And that is just what I did, before trying the patches. i talked with a health professional, read the research, and saw results in my friends.

Now I am devoting myself to helping share this solution to folks who really want to reverse their aging symptoms. It gave me my life back. Thank you God. So I became a patch distributor.

I only offer what I believe in—what works for me and what I use on a daily basis.

If you know anyone that might helped by this technology, please let them know about me.
I offer them a free discovery call to see if this is a fit for them.

Swami Tirtha
Distributor: Age Reversal & Endurance Technology

Calendar for free discovery session: Calendly.com/swamitirtha

Email: Connect@OrangeCowboy.com