Originally From Tel Aviv, Israel, The Holiest Land Of All. If you have never been to Israel, Visit and Follow Me In My Signature Advisory Group Community and Let me Be your Tour Guide For Israel At Least Virtually Until You Get The Chance! You Will! It is The BEST Place On Earth!
My Hubby and I reside In Southeast Florida.
We Worked For Over 2 and 1'/2 Decades with Paul's Mom, Lynn Finkelstein, Who was a CFP CPA MBA. Mom In Law Left BIG shoes for anyone to fill!
But we are doing it! Filling those shoes with friends, clients and financial knowledge to help our friends, clients and more.
It's all about education.
You can do it.
We just guide you.
I worked since age 12 in my Dad's deli. Nachum Saloman. Dad had a catering biz and a laundry biz in Israel.
We came here Legally through a family relative in Philadelphia at the time.
Dad remarried and lived his live with his second wife in Glen Cove, Long Island.
After being the 1st of my family to attend college I wanted to move to Florida because warm weather suited me best.
Look forward to meeting you too in person at www.omg121.com on Mon an Fri 9am est and/or Sat 8am est. ( It might be Paul you meet, as he loves marketing and I am behind the scenes at times doing much research for each client )