Your Medicare Lady and Real Medicare Man • Full time
Jun, 1996 - Present • 28 yrs 9 mos
Senior community specialist and family financial services
Degree: Bachelors •  Jun, 1975 – Jun, 1977
Do you like attending networking events where there is NO control of the meeting?
Members and guests talk on and on and pitch each other?
Guests get bored and start fidgeting with their phones during your meeting?
Want better events than that?
Your biz or company or event needs a TRAINED mc or Toastmaster of the day who ran a meeting MORE than 20 times. Then you know your meeting or event will be run well, be interesting, never boring
and the guests will for sure keep coming back!! Every morning 10am est come to our in person ONLINE and start your day with us at the BEACHSIDE omg biz cafe Virtual resort!! ENTER here: see ya 10am EST 9am central OR 7am pacific!! Be there! and EXPECT 4 parts, 1. rapport topics for each guest, 2. 30 sec intros and maybe q and a between guests, 3. like or learn because you have 2 ears 1 mouth and 4th OMG beachside virtual shuffle or the famous 121!! DO