Strategic Marketing is the way a business effectively differentiates itself from its competitors by capitalizing on its strengths (both current and potential) to provide consistently better value to customers than anyone else ... In principle it’s that simple, but it means a lot more than getting creative with just a Tactical Marketing mix ... Armed with a thorough understanding of the firm’s capabilities and aspirations, the customer market and competitive landscape, the Goal of Strategic Marketing (and of the Strategic message) is to maximize a firm’s positive differentiation over competitors in the eyes of its target market ...
IMJustice Marketing • עצמאי
Jun, 2010 - Present • 14 yrs 9 mos
I help Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals, who find themselves struggling, stuck, or not growing their business like they would like to, understand why that is happening to them, so they can turn that situation around for good …
I help those who are fed up with constantly competing on price, lackluster sales, inadequate revenue, and Marketing or Advertising that’s not only expensive, but doesn’t really generate any meaningful number of quality or qualified leads for their business …
And then I help them turn that situation around for good …
And they never look at Marketing the same way ever again …
Degree: Bachelors • Sep, 1977 – Jun, 1981
Entrepreneurship is a Journey of Mastery
It’s about building the skills, beliefs, and character traits that set you apart. To truly excel, we need to first recognize what we’re missing—then take action to bridge those gaps …
Improvement is often the key. But to improve, we need to learn—from experience and from trusted, high-quality sources. Unfortunately, bad advice is easy to come by, and while experience is a great teacher, it can also be a harsh one …
My goal is to offer you the kind of guidance that gets you the success you’ve always dreamed of on your entrepreneurial and business journey. I know how much you want to move forward, and while I wish I could give you all the answers in one Strategy Session, Business Plan, or Ebook (for both our sakes), true mastery requires depth …
The details matter. True excellence lies in understanding the finer points—the nuances that elevate you from being good to being exceptional. It’s these details that separate the greats from everyone else …
I’m dedicated to these nuances. I hope you see that in all of my content — the depth, the precision, the passion for pushing Entrepreneurs like you toward greatness. No one is coming to rescue us. As the Entrepreneurs that we are, it’s on us to innovate, carve out better businesses, better lives, and then ultimately, a much better world …
This is my mission, my passion—and I hope it resonates with yours too ...