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First Coast Small Business Consulting LLC
At First Coast Small Business Consulting, Lon leads a team of Financial Professionals who are committed to helping undeserving entrepreneurs gain access to funding through the Startup Business Funding Package. This comprehensive program offers a turnkey approach to establishing businesses positioned for rapid funding. With limited upfront costs and access to valuable resources, participants can embark on their entrepreneurial journey with confidence, knowing they have the support they need to succeed.
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Marketing Director
First Coast Small Business Consulting LLC • Trabajadores por cuenta propia
Aug, 2023 - Present • 1 yr 7 mos
Marketing Manager at First Coast Small Business Consulting LLC As the Marketing Manager at First Coast Small Business Consulting LLC, I lead the charge in creating and implementing strategic marketing initiatives that connect underserved entrepreneurs with the resources they need to succeed. My role focuses on building awareness of our Startup Business Funding Package and other services designed to empower new and growing businesses.
I oversee the development of engaging content, manage multi-channel campaigns, and collaborate with our team of financial professionals to ensure our message resonates with entrepreneurs who are ready to take the next step in their journey. From organizing events and networking opportunities to analyzing market trends, my goal is to position First Coast as a trusted partner for small business success.
With a focus on innovation and results, I work to ensure that our marketing efforts not only drive growth for the company but also make a meaningful impact on the lives of the entrepreneurs we serve. Whether it’s through digital campaigns, community outreach, or educational content, I’m passionate about helping businesses thrive.
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Upperhill highschool Nairobi Kenya
•  Mar, 1992
– Mar, 1995
Highschool diploma
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Graham Odenyo
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