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Lessons from a Marketing Mastermind

It is repeatedly amazing how much we overcomplicate things. This can be easily seen in business. While the vast majority of people have heard the advice about niching down, they inevitably drift away from it in fear of missing a potential sale. This was the biggest lesson from this week: CLARITY! 


  1. Be very clear and focused on the exact audience you want and are speaking to and be able to state it boldly and proudly! When you use vague and general statements that could apply to most everyone, you are not clear. If you say things like “those that want financial freedom”, “those that would like to spend more time with loved ones” or “People who just want to stop worrying”, NEWS FLASH: that is everyone! You have not allowed people to actually pinpoint the correct person for you.


  1. Be clear on the benefits that you provide. What are people actually getting? Don’t use slippery vague words to get around objections, limiting beliefs, or insecurities. Say what you do, and if its not good enough either move on or get better. Most are not willing to admit that their product or service just sucks. 


  1. Be aware of the clients you do not want. It is true that in the beginning we want any and all possible clients, but there are conversations we can easily avoid where people are just wanting to sell to us. Trust your intuition about the conversation and if you are not excited to have it. Move on. Afraid that people may say you are stuck up and aren’t very giving? Make sure that you provide such incredible value to the people you do meet with, that those rumors are easily squashed. 

  2. Finally, be clear on what the hell you want! There is a reason people keep saying that. If you desire to make A LOT of money, then make sure you are aligned with the sacrifices that need to come from that. If you are the type to say that your alignment would allow you to not have to change a single thing and the success will come, you clearly don’t understand physics. Get clear on what you want and take the appropriate actions. PERIOD. 

Remember that this came from a group discussion where feelings were shared and some truth bombs were detonated. If you want to join us for a similar discussion you can find all future events on the community page: https://join.skyler.network/sn_1729866349594