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MRI; Physical Therapy and relation to Finance

I sprained my ankle playing basketball in November. That’s not the worst of it. I also hyper-extended my knee in the same game! As I limped off the court, I came to the realization that I should have stopped when I injured my ankle. I wasn’t listening to my own body to tell it to slow down. I thought, “it seems fine.” In reality, it wasn’t and my body told me loudly and clearly with the subsequent injury.

I had a knee brace and ankle brace from previous injuries that I used to subside the pain temporarily until l could see the doctor. But, I didn’t want to see the family medicine doctor. I wanted to see the orthopedic – straight to the source, you know? So about a week went by and I finally decided to schedule the visit.

The X-Ray and MRI both came back with nothing glaring aka negative. No surgery needed!

I started doing physical therapy and I kid you not, I should have started way sooner than I did. See, when you are in pain, you need to find a remedy for the pain. Much like my injuries, ignoring it only made it worse.

The same applies to your money. When you ignore the debt, it begins to create a heavy burden that feels insurmountable. When you address it head on, you start to make progress. Even if it is painful, you have to put in the reps and work in order to get a different result.

I am happy to say that the physical therapy is working and I feel so much better than I did when it first happened. Sometimes, you need to face the challenge directly and make a plan to get better. If you don’t get better, you stay stuck in the same rut and hope that it will change. It won’t change until you do.

February is a short month which means now is the time to get your finances in order. Schedule a consultation with me to find out if we are compatible and tell me your story. Let’s do a financial X-Ray or MRI and find out what’s going on underneath!