My staff and I love to help people with their business, whether you're starting out or enhancing a business, we are available to help you.
Business Consulting • Samo zaposlen
Aug, 2000 - Present • 24 yrs 7 mos
I have many irons in the online fire.
I look forward to meeting new people and businesses.
If you are a business looking for an SBA Loan, Grant, Rebuilding or Building a Website, Blog, etc. you found someone who has done it and who has the staff necessary to make your dreams a reality.
I'm a preacher and teacher of God's Word.
I'm an author, and I love to do research.
If you have questions, I'd like to hear them, and if possible I'd like to work with you to resolve them.
The best part is: "I am a click away"
Rick McDonald
Degree: Theological Doctorate •  Jan, 2005 – Feb, 2008
Degree: Paralegal •  Jan, 1997 – Jan, 2001