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Beachside Digits, Inc. • Full time
Jan, 2024 - Present • 1 yr 2 mos
Ensure accurate QBO account reviews, reducing reconciliation errors by 98%. Accurate and timely entry of journal entries throughout the month Enforce compliance protocols, achieving perfect regulatory adherence. Conduct thorough QBO account reviews, rectifying misclassifications and ensuring precise GL allocations, resulting in near-perfect reconciliation accuracy. Enhance financial reporting precision through refined bank transaction coding and reconciliation, yielding consistently accurate P&L, balance sheet, and AP reports.
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Goldey Beacom College
Degree: A.S. Accounting
•  May, 2011
– May, 2012
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Warning: Undefined variable $inviteUrl in /var/www/html/skyler.network/themes/sunshine/layout/timeline/content.phtml on line 3050
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Suzanne Rubincan
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